Previously: Revelation 9: the sixth trumpet, the crossing of the Euphrates
The first post in the Revelation series
So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour, the day, the month, and the year, were released to kill a third of mankind. Revelation 9:15
Four angels, who correspond to four Turkish states, had been prepared to kill the remaining third of mankind, or the third part of the Roman Empire which had not yet suffered judgment. This was the Eastern, or Byzantine, empire, with its capital at Constantinople. In 1056, which was the year the Seljuk Turks crossed the Euphrates into the Eastern empire, the Empire consisted of (Broken link, active July 29, 2006) Asia Minor (modern day Turkey), Greece, Macedonia, southern Italy, modern day Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Armenia, Cyprus, and Crete.
Now the four angels were given one hour, one day, one month, and one year to kill that third part. Using the same prophecy time principle established in Daniel, which was used in the fifth trumpet of Revelation, one prophecy day equals one historical year. So:
one hour = a part of a year
one day = 1 year
one month = 30 years
one year = 365 years
The total is one part + 1 + 30 + 365 = 396 to 397 years. Adding 397 years to 1056, the year the Turks crossed the Euphrates, we arrive at 1453, the exact year Constantinople fell to the Turks. How can this be a coincidence? The time is exact. But, this is not the only compelling evidence favoring the Turks as the fulfillment of the sixth trumpet.
To be continued …
Update: continued in Revelation 9: the sixth trumpet army and the lion
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