The High Court’s split decision in the Ten Commandments case (Broken link, active July 4, 2005), together with the eminent domain ruling, and Sandra Day O’Connor’s retirement, gives the president an opportunity to appoint more serious men and women to the Supreme Court. But it is ultimately our responsibility, the people, who decide who sits on the Court. We elect the president and the senators, and even the worst of them respond according to the people when enough of us exercise our duty to make our wishes known. Will we? I pray so.
Scalia’s dissent in the Ten Commandments case
Judge Roy Moore appeals to a Higher Authority
Powerline: we hold these truths
Religion, government, and the Declaration of Independence (Broken link, active July 4, 2005)
Never hostile to religion: the purpose of the establishment clause
The Supreme Court is the most dangerous branch of government (Broken link, active July 4, 2005)
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