As opposed to the Law of God, for instance, is that man changes his mind all the time, whereas God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Man will one day decide that parents have a constitutional right to school their children in their home, and then after hundreds of thousands of parents act to do so, another man comes along and says that parents who fail to comply with school enrollment laws may be subject to criminal complaints and other penalties.
Whereas God put the responsibility for teaching children squarely on the shoulders of parents. O to live under the just Law of God, and not man!
The weak housing market means that many families who did not sell out and leave California while the getting was good a few years ago, might now be stuck.
Liberals are so vehemently opposed to homeschooling, because it takes children away from their sphere of power and influence (a detestable state in the minds of liberals), that they instinctively seek to curb its free exercise wherever they have the numbers to do so. California shows us that a Republican head of state is no help in guarding our homeschooling freedoms in the presence of a liberal legislature and court. May we take note for the general election coming up in November.
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