McCain has clinched the Republican nomination, and Huckabee has bowed out (Broken link, active March 5th, 2008). Clinton has refused to fade quietly away into the sunset (Broken link, active March 5th, 2008), and Obama has turned theologian on us, divorcing the New Testament from the Old and assuring everyone that Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount endorses same- [s-x] unions.
Why I am scared of McCain: he believes in the power of government to do good, and so he must exercise said power. The founding fathers believed the power of government was a necessary evil, and the less it was wielded, the better off men were.
Why I am scared of Hillary Clinton: she wants to be ruler of the free world SO BADLY. That really makes me nervous.
Why I am scared of Barack Obama: his biggest supporter is influencing millions to fall away from the truth by proclaiming a false Christ and a false gospel, and the candidate himself is not limiting himself to statecraft comments, but is attempting to instruct the church on the theology of Jesus. This from a man raised in a home with long- standing ties to Islam.
Even Lincoln, whose Bible- knowledge and theology was in much better shape than Obama’s, refused to engage in religious debates when seeking political office. In 1846 when running for the state congress of Illinois, his opponent was a well- known preacher. After an evangelistic crusade in which the preacher, Lincoln’s opponent for congress, asked:
“I observe that many responded to the first invitation to give their hearts to God and go to heaven. And I further observe that all of you save one indicated that you did not desire to go to hell. The sole exception is Mr. Lincoln, who did not respond to either invitation. May I inquire of you, Mr. Lincoln, where are you going?”
Lincoln replied:
And so he did. I think it takes an appalling lack of humility and reverence for a politician to instruct the church on matters of theology; that raises all kinds of red flags for me.
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