The homo[s-x]ual lobby is merely an oppressed minority just reasoning with fellow citizens to live and let live, lobbying for the same rights all citizens enjoy, like the right to life (oh wait, that is not yet a right, sorry), liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, right?
Well, let’s see. In Italy an archbishop who reminded lawmakers of their duty to uphold the biblical definition of marriage and oppose legalizing same- sex unions now must serve flanked by policemen, because those same tolerant activists are threatening to kill him.
In California, the tolerant activists are once again pushing for privileged status in California’s public schools, even going so far as to eliminate such “oppressive” hate speech against gays as “mom” and “dad”. The gay lobby, perhaps emboldened by nationwide legislative success it sees just around the corner, has threatened to “bury” the Capitol Resource Institute, which works among California lawmakers to uphold biblical and family values, if they continue in their first amendment- protected activities of presenting the biblical view of marriage and family to lawmakers. “We demand tolerance to practice our abominable lifestyle in public, AND to cram it down the throats of your children, and not only tolerance, but acceptance and approval,” the homo[s-x]ual lobby is screaming, “and we also demand to silence every statement not only against our lifestyle, but in support of any and all other lifestyles!”
Oh, but that couldn’t happen here in America, could it? Keep sleeping, church, and we will find out.
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