Scroll down for the latest updates. (Original post dated 05/04/07).
Last week I blogged about H.R. 1592, a bill which expands special rights for homo[s-x]uals and makes a federal hate crime “thoughts, feelings, and beliefs” which gays find offensive, going way beyond the standard of Western Civilization, which is to make ACTIONS criminal, based on the biblical admonition. This bill makes THOUGHTS criminal. It makes BELIEFS criminal. If you BELIEVE that the Word of God prohibits homo[s-x]ual behavior in Leviticus 18:22, then you have just broken this law of man, should it go into effect.
People, this bill passed the House yesterday evening. Similar legislation is also moving through the Senate. President Bush has threatened to veto this bill, but then there is still the possibility that he could change his mind, or his veto could be overridden by two- thirds majority in Congress. If you cherish your first amendment freedom to believe as you wish without being penalized for your beliefs, then it is past time to act. Call your senators TODAY. (The Senate version of the bill is 1105, introduced by Ted Kennedy.)
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” –Edmund Burke
Update: David Limbaugh on Leftist thought control (Broken link, active May 8, 2007)
05/08/07 Update: U.S. Rep. Ron Paul on Unconstitutional Legislation Threatens Freedoms
05/09/07 Update: Campaign under way to derail Senate ‘hate crimes’ bill; Dr. Richard Land on Hate Crimes, Thought Police, and Religious Freedom (Broken link, active May 16, 2007)
05/15/07 Update: Chuck Norris on How to Outlaw Christianity
05/16/07 Update: Senate to vote by this week’s end (Broken link, active May 16, 2007) — call TODAY!
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