Spiritual warfare series
Open our eyes
Warfare for your house
Sweeping the house clean
God has given the believer authority
Praying for our children
Victory over possession
Many of you have heard my testimony of victory over depression when I was a young mother. I come from a family with a genetic predisposition for low seratonin levels, a compound in the brain which affects moods and feelings. When I was pregnant with our children and nursing, all the nutrition I was taking in was going into them. The resulting deficiency left me depressed, irritable, and fatigued with a low coping threshold, which made life miserable for me and everyone else.
But before I knew that proper nutrition could improve my moods and feelings, I had to learn why, if the Bible spoke of believers as abounding in joy, peace, stability of mind and emotions, and the other fruits of the Spirit, I was not experiencing those things.
I learned that someone who is suffering from bitterness, depression, suicidal thoughts, paralyzing fear, or other negative habitual feelings or character traits is often times the victim of demonic oppression. A spirit of bitterness, or depression (the Scriptural term is “heaviness,” Isa 61:3), or fear, is often the originators of the thoughts which generate feelings of bitterness, despair, or anxiety in a person.
Oppression is not the same as possession. Oppression is being shot at with fiery darts — lying thoughts –, which, if we do not recognize them as lies, can slip in and appear as our own thought in the register of our minds. These thoughts then, if believed, produce a corresponding emotion in the heart.
The Why don’t I feel God? series dives into the Scriptural threads of this dynamic and pulls them all together.
The principalities and powers are the root cause of the oppression. We direct our fighting energy against the root cause, being clothed with the full armor of God as our defense, and taking up the sword of the Spirit, the word of God, as our offensive weapon against them, in prayer, with authority, in the name of Jesus.
Long story short, I was being lied to, and once I learned how to recognize those lies and take them captive, the attendant feelings and states of being those lies were producing left. The depression left, the negative feelings left, and were replaced with the felt emotions of joy and peace, in believing truth instead of lies.
This is the process I used to train myself to believe and feel the truth proclaimed by the word of God. Please feel free to download the following truth trainer to keep on your phone if necessary.
Continued in …
On familiar spirits
On generational curses
On generational blessings (coming soon)
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