… remember who is in charge, who can help you make lemonade!
We got some bad news today. It happens to all of us at one point or another. My immediate response was to get discouraged. But after I talked to my sister, she ever so gently reminded me that the Lord is still on His throne, LOL. How could I have forgotten that? I pray every morning, "Help me to remember, Lord, that You are in heaven and on Your throne, and nothing is going to happen to me today that will take You by surprise." Well, the Lord did help me to remember that. He used my sister to remind me, LOL.
Then I remembered something my pastor used to say whenever he got bad news. "It is going to be interesting, Lord, to see how You are going to work this out for Your glory!" So true. God’s will will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, and the end of all things will be that God will be glorified. So, breathe deep, and keep bringing everything before His throne, and find out what He wants me to do every day, and do that. It will all be okay. 🙂
I love your pastor's comment. I'm going to have to write that down. How true…and how often I forget when things go "wrong" that God is still on His throne….and will be for all eternity. Thanks for sharing that. 🙂