Okay, now this is getting just plain surreal. Obama himself is seen by the Muslim world as a traitor and apostate, because his father was Muslim and he left, he claims, the religion of his father for Christianity (Broken link, active March 18, 2008). There are still rumors out there that maybe Obama is a closet Muslim, but he vehemently denies such.
Then his biggest supporter, Oprah, who for the first time in her history is campaigning for a politician, is so into this new age Course in Miracles psuedo- Christianity that preaches a false Christ and a false gospel, that she is using her radio program for this entire year to teach the Course in Miracles to her listeners. So it could be that she feels such an affinity with Obama because he is maybe also into this new age Christianity- light with a little occultism thrown in for good measure (because that whole sovereignty of God thing makes Him so unpredictable and unreliable as a wish- granter).
Now Obama’s pastor for 20 years, it is coming to light, is this radical follower of “black liberation theology,” something I had never even heard of until now. World Net Daily has the full expose, but I guess Sean Hannity has been on the case also:
Barack Obama’s suddenly radioactive pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has defended himself against charges of anti-Americanism and racism by referring to his foundational philosophy, the “black liberation theology” of scholars such as James Cone, who regard Jesus Christ as a “black messiah” and blacks as “the chosen people” who will only accept a god who assists their aim of destroying the “white enemy.”
“If God is not for us and against white people,” writes Cone, “then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill gods who do not belong to the black community.”
Obama claims he knew nothing about all of this. Now, Obama’s pastor teaches this at seminaries, so how could it not ever come out in any sermons? So it could be that Obama is a closet racist who has very unbiblical ideas about God.
Then again, World Net Daily points to the opinion of an anonymous reporter, who postulates that Obama is merely using religion to get somewhere politically; and that he is neither a Muslim, a Christain, a new- ager, or a radical racist. His pastor’s theology might truly be a surprise to him, because he is faking the whole I am a church- going Christian thing.
But how can we know? The fact is, the Democrats are this close to nominating a complete unknown for their choice for the highest office in the land. He doesn’t have enough of a track record politically to draw on, and his claim that he will make a wise choice for President is based on … what? His skin color? Why is he afraid for people to see who he really is, what is he hiding?
perhaps he is trying to hide his 'empty suit', buckle up we are in for quite the ride