While Dr. Dawkins is worried about the ‘harmful’ effect religious ‘indoctrination’ has on children, we have real indoctrination taking place in Kansas. Parents are mobilizing to try to take action against the school boards which have placed some of these books on required reading lists. The excellent article at World Net Daily includes a comprehensive look at the battle parents are waging, not only in schools across the country, but also in public libraries, to try to keep [p-rn]ography off the shelves in the children’s section.
UndertheSky says
It is hard to understand the motivation here. I just do not understand it! I suppose that is because I have been bought with the price of Christ’s shed blood and regenerate and can discern, but this is just sickening to me. How can even those who are lost not see the danger here?
Praise God we still have the right to homeschool. May our children stand in the gates for righteousness!