I just received the latest Answers in Genesis newsletter yesterday. I was floored by what I read. Here’s the exact quote:
a TV program broadcast recently throughout the United Kingdom, the
world’s leading spokesperson on evolution, atheist Dr. Richard Dawkins
of Oxford University, made these remarkable and shocking statements:
very concerned about the religious indoctrination of children. I want
to show how faith acts like a virus that attacks the young and infects
generation after generation … It’s time to question the abuse of
childhood innocence with superstitious ideas of hellfire and damnation.
And I want to show how the scriptural roots of the Judeo-Christian
moral edifice are cruel and brutish. What in the 21st century are we
doing venerating a book that contains such stuff?”
After saying that religion is a form of child abuse, Dawkins’ tirade against Christianity did not wane:
God of the Old Testament has got to be the most unpleasant character in
all fiction–jealous and proud of it, petty, vindictive, unjust,
unforgiving, racist, an ethnic cleanser urging His people on to acts of
genocide. …”
“When it comes to children, I think of religion
as a dangerous virus. It’s a virus which is transmitted partly through
teachers and clergy, but also down the generations from parent to child
to grandchild. Children are especially vulnerable to the infection of
Another TV program aired on the BBC in the UK,
in which the Lord Robert Winston, a member of the House of Lords who
interviewed Ken Ham at the Creation Museum last year, said:
admit I was dismayed by what I saw at Ken Ham’s museum. It was alarming
to see so much time, money, and effort being spent on making a mockery
of hard-won scientific knowledge. And the fact that it was being done
with such obvious sincerity somehow made it all the worse.”
Ken writes, “This is a reminder of the spiritual war we’re in (Ephesians 6:10-20).”
kidding. In a way, Dawkins’ comments remind me of a review I read of
the Narnia movie that was published in the UK in December. The
headline: Narnia represents everything that is most hateful about religion:
all the elements of Christianity, the most repugnant is the notion of
the Christ who took our sins upon himself and sacrificed his body in
agony to save our souls. Did we ask him to? Poor child Edmund, to blame
for everything, must bear the full weight of a guilt only Christians
know how to inflict, with a twisted knife to the heart.”
UK is about 50 years ahead of us down the secularization road. If our
freedom to worship, or our freedom to homeschool will be attacked, it
will be attacked from this child abuse angle. Parents, we must stay
ever more vigilant.
AMEN! Preach it!