Welcome to Christine Miller’s little corner of the Internet.
Here, under one roof, you will find:
A Little Perspective (currently
— The old A Little Perspective blog, which used to be housed at homeschoolblogger. Discussion is of current events, family and society, philosophy and history, science and creation, and other human endeavors in light of biblical, eternal truth.
Scripture Pictures (currently in photo albums on facebook and pinterest)
Christine’s Bible Study (currently
— daily chapter by chapter progression through the Scriptures as well as topical studies related to Hebrew Roots and Spirit-filled living.
Family Foundations (currently Godliness with Contentment on Pinterest)
— The torah, or the instruction in God’s way, of family relationships, contented womanhood, marriage, and parenting.
Transformed Home (currently
— The old This Side of Heaven blog, which used to be housed at homesteadblogger. The topics are homemaking, natural cleaning, beauty, and healing, gardening, sewing, and self-reliance, or rather, greater God-reliance and less world-reliance.
Christine’s Kitchen (currently
— Tried and true family recipes for my children’s families: kosher and often gluten-free eating.
Biblical Homeschooling (currently and
— All things education, teaching, and homeschooling; practical help as well as philosophical foundations informed by biblical, eternal truth, and with the benefit of homeschooling hindsight.