Today’s Hebrew Testament chronological reading is in Leviticus 18 and 19.
The Psalms/ Proverbs reading is in Psalm 75.
No Greek Testament reading today.
Essential Studies.
Leviticus 19, On being holy (Additional studies: Leviticus Index)
We have an idea that to be holy means “to be sinless.” The Lexicons say it means “to be set apart,” that is, not the same as the world. But the Hebrew Root Word parable tells an even more amazing story. The parable is that a wall makes a separation (chet) between two parties. When one comes through the wall via its door (dalet), the two (shin) can be joined together. There is a wall separating YHVH God, and His people, from the idols of the nations, and the idolaters of the nations, and the idolatrous practices of the nations. That is what “to be set apart” means. But when one who has been on the other side of that wall, in with the nations and the world, enters through the Door, who is Messiah Yeshua the Righteous (Joh 10:7), then that one is joined to the congregation of the Living God. “To be holy” fundamentally means “to be joined to the congregation of the Living God.” It is not so much a performance word as it is an identity word. Of course, out of that identity in Him, flows walking in His same ways and doing His same works. Identity and walking, working, are intrinsically attached, and is why Messiah Yeshua said, “You will know them by their fruits,” (Mat 7:16).
Psalm 75. The horns of the wicked (Additional studies: Psalms Book Three (73-89) Index)
Three-year Bible.
The three-year plan is here.
Today’s reading is in 1 Kings 12.
Suggested study: 1 Kings 12, Bible for Beginners.
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