Previously: Revelation 11: identity of the two witnesses, continued
The first post in the Revelation series
The question has been, who are the two olive trees, the two lampstands, and the two witnesses? I believe they are the two ekklesia who have witnessed of God and His word in this fallen world: one is the Jews, who have been called out of this world to live a set apart life. Although their eyes have been blinded to their Messiah for a time and a season, they have maintained obedience to God’s ways as given in the Law and the Prophets, which Jesus said not a jot or tittle of which would pass until ALL is fulfilled. Has all that has been written in the Law and the Prophets been fulfilled yet — of course not; we are still living in the age of sin, of the dominion of man, of the kingdoms of this world.
The second ekklesia are those believers in Jesus the Messiah. They have been called out of this world to live a set apart life. Although their eyes have been blinded to their Hebrew roots for a time and a season, they have embraced Jesus the Messiah who was foretold in the Law and the Prophets, and have been grafted in from the Gentiles among the branches of the cultivated olive tree, which is Israel, whose root is Jesus. The Messiah is the root and branch of David.
There are two houses of God’s children. One has the Law, the Teaching (Torah), God’s ways, the paths of righteousness. One has the Messiah, the Spirit of life. God’s plan, I believe, is to make both houses one. Those who have had the Law will come to embrace their Messiah, as Paul foretells in Romans 11, who is the Spirit of life, by whose indwelling we live out a life of obedience to God and to His ways from a circumcized heart. Those who have had the Messiah will come to embrace obedience to God’s ways, and so not be among those of whom Jesus says on the last day, “Depart from Me, I never knew you, you workers of Law- lessness.”
There is a fascinating Messianic Jewish revelation from Scripture, the Two Houses of Israel, which goes into the concept of God’s two houses of children who will one day (soon) be made one, in more detail. I have studied it and cannot find anything unscriptural or unbiblical about it. If you are interested in the fulfilling of God’s plan in the earth at all, and the second coming of Jesus, you will no doubt find it informative as well.
To be continued …
Update: continued in Revelation 11: two witnesses concluded, part one
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