Read 2 Samuel 1 and 2 at Bible Gateway.
The Hebrew paragraph divisions for today’s chapters are:
2 Sam 1:1-12 {p} David receives the news of the death of Saul + Jonathan, and mourns
2 Sam 1:13-16 {p} David commanded the execution of the Amalekite who killed Saul
2 Sam 1:17-27 {p} David’s lamentation: The Song of the Bow
2 Sam 2:1-4 {s} Judah anoints David king over the house of Judah at Hebron
2 Sam 2:5-7 {p} David invites Jabesh Gilead to receive him as king
2 Sam 2:8-9 {p} However Abner made Ishbosheth the son of Saul king over Israel
2 Sam 2:10-11 {s} The length of Ishbosheth’s reign/ the length of David’s reign over Judah
2 Sam 2:12-3:1 {s} War between the commanders, Abner of Israel and Joab of Judah
In the Hebrew Bible, Samuel is a single book. The strong themes then, so far:
1 Sam 24:16-25:1 {s+p} The death of Samuel after peace was established between Saul and David
1 Sam 25:2-26:9 {sx3+p} The unrighteousness of Nabal + Saul/ Abigail’s wisdom/ David’s mercy
1 Sam 26:10-25 {px3} David’s innocence toward Saul/ Saul repents, blesses David
1 Samuel 27:1-6 {s+p} David went to Achish, king of Gath + Saul ceased hunting him + Achish gave Ziklag to David
1 Samuel 27:7-12 {p} David’s raids on the Canaanites while he dwelt with the Philistines
1 Samuel 28:1-2 {p} Achish asks David to fight on the side of the Philistines in war against Israel
1 Samuel 28:3-25 {s+s+p} Saul seeks out the medium of En Dor to call Samuel up from the grave
1 Sam 29:1-3 {p} Achish’s 1st testimony of David’s faultlessness
1 Sam 29:4-11 {s+s+p} The lords of the Philistines reject David / Achish’s 2nd + 3rd testimony of his faultlessness
1 Sam 30:1-25 {sx5+p} David’s victory over the Amalekites + all shall share alike in the victory
1 Sam 30:26-31 {p} David sent some of the spoil to the elders of Judah, who had been raided by the Amalekites
1 Sam 31:1-2 Sam 1:27 {px5} The death of Saul and his sons + David’s lamentation
2 Sam 2:1-7 {s+p} Judah anoints David king over Judah, Jabesh Gilead invited to receive him as king also
2 Sam 2:8-9 {p} However Abner made Ishbosheth the son of Saul king over Israel
This account of Saul’s death differs from the account at the end of 1 Samuel, but the chiastic structure sheds some light on it:
1a) 2 Sam 1:1a, Now it came to pass after the death of Saul;
1b) 2 Sam 1:1b, When David returned from the slaughter of the Amalekites;
1c) 2 Sam 1:2a, A man came from Saul’s camp with his clothes torn + dust on his head;
1d) 2 Sam 1:2b-4, I have escaped the battle and bring you the news of the battle;
central axis) 2 Sam 1:5-10a, The Amalekite’s account of the death of Saul;
2d) 2 Sam 1:10b, I bring my lord, the crown and bracelet of Saul, which I took from his body;
2c) 2 Sam 1:11-12 {p} David + men tore their clothes, mourned for Saul + Jonathan + Israel;
2b) 2 Sam 1:13-16a, David orders the execution of the Amalekite who killed Saul;
2a) 2 Sam 1:16b {p} You have testified that you have killed the Lord’s anointed.
I don’t believe the Amalekite told David the truth about his involvement in the death of Saul. I believe he came upon Saul, slain, fallen on his own sword, and took the crown and bracelet, and brought them to David. But I don’t believe he killed him. So why would he tell David a lie that would cost him his life?
It was general knowledge throughout Israel that the strife between Saul and David was over the succession of the kingdom. But the Amalekite didn’t realize the lie would cost him his life. The kings of the nations round about, would handsomely reward someone who had destroyed their enemy and brought the proof of it. I think the Amalekite was expecting a handsome reward from David, for the crown and bracelet he had stumbled upon, and perhaps an even handsomer reward if he embellished the tale and made himself the slayer of David’s enemy. He could not conceive of anything but a handsome reward, for the reverence and honor of David for his king, whom he had not made his enemy, but who had made himself his enemy, was as high above his own thoughts as the LORD’s are above ours.
The Amalekites are the spiritual heir of Cain, Ishmael, and Esau, who lie in wait to attack their brother. They are the spiritual heir of those who refuse YHVH as God and do not fear Him, and this is why God had declared from the beginning, that He will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.
I liked the comentary on 1 Samuel 1.
Any comentary on the contemporary tank in the picture ?