Read 2 Samuel 16 here (text coming …) or at Bible Gateway.
The Hebrew paragraphs:
16:1-9 {s} Ziba returns kindness to David/ Mephibosheth and Shimei return evil to David
16:10 {s} David: Let Shimei curse, for perhaps it is from YHVH
16:11-13a {s} David: my own son seeks my life, so let him curse; perhaps YHVH will repay me good for evil
16:13b {p} Shimei cursed the king, threw stones, and kicked up dust as he went
16:14-19 {p} Absalom enters Jerusalem as king; accepts Hushai’s service as counselor
16:20-23 {s} Ahithophel’s counsel: Make Absalom abhorrant to his father by going in to his concubines
The Strong Themes:
2 Sam 15:10-16:13b {sx7+p} Absalom’s treason/ he and the house of Saul return evil for good
2 Samuel 15:31-16:23 Chiastic Structure:
David’s reign represented godly leadership. For the most part, David used his power to protect and defend his people, and to judge justly and righteously during his reign (except in the matter of Uriah and Tamar). He returned kindness to the house of Saul, which was uncommon for kings in that era. And the house of Saul returned to evil to him for his kindness, the minute circumstances turned against David. But how does David respond when his servants want to retaliate? “Let him alone, and let him curse, perhaps YHVH will repay me good for his cursing today.”
You know, we have just had an election and inauguration in this country. If we listen to the Mainstream Misleadia, the country is bitterly divided. But if we listen to our neighbors, perhaps that is not the case. Pay attention to who protects and defends the nation’s citizens, or who assaults the nation’s citizens. Pay attention to who judges justly, or to who judges unjustly. Pay attention to who uses power to abuse, and who uses power to set free. Pay attention to who allows free speech, even to cursing, and to who censors free speech. Pay attention to who returns good for evil, and evil for good. Will there be flaws? Of course, as is true for every human endeavor. But by watching the consistent patterns, you will see who represents godly leadership.
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