General history and overview
The Defender’s Study Bible, notes by Dr. Henry M. Morris
Annals of the World by James Ussher, translated by Larry and Marion Pierce
The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus translated by William Whiston
(WordPress has crossed through the following links from Project Gutenberg but they are active and correct):
A New System: or, an Analysis of Ancient Mythology Vol 1 by Jacob Bryant
A New System: or, an Analysis of Ancient Mythology Vol 2 by Jacob Bryant
A New System: or, an Analysis of Ancient Mythology Vol 3 by Jacob Bryant
The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World by George Rawlinson vol 1, vol 2, vol 3
Cory’s Ancient Fragments
Anno Mundi Ancient History index by Mike Gascoigne
Chronology of Ancient Civilizations by Larry Pierce
The Story of the Ancient World by Christine Miller
Ancient History Encyclopedia
Ancient Art
pre-Deluvian history
The Authenticity of the Book of Genesis by Bill Cooper
Adam was a Historical Person by Answers in Genesis
Nephilim and Demons in the Book of Enoch – Hebrew Voices (radio program)
Who were the Nephilim? by Answers in Genesis
The Genesis Flood by John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris
Buried Alive: the Startling, Untold Story about Neanderthal Man by Dr. Jack Cuozzo
Neanderthal article archive at Answers in Genesis
Early post-Deluvian history
The Sixteen Grandsons of Noah by Harold Hunt
The Table of Nations by Bill Cooper
After the Flood: the Early Post-Flood History of Europe by Bill Cooper
The Chronicle of the Early Britons, translated by Bill Cooper
The Forgotten History of the Western People by Mike Gascoigne
The Forgotten History of the Eastern People by Mike Gascoigne
The Mystery of Ancient Man by Steve Cardno
Tracking Ancient Man
Biblical history
The Bible Story of Israel
Associates for Biblical Research
Biblical Chronology Newsletter
Bible History topic index at Answers in Genesis
Bible History Online
Chronology of the Old Testament by Dr. Floyd Nolen Jones (answers for chronology thorns in Scripture)
Chronology Charts by Dr. Floyd Nolen Jones
Chronology Wars by Larry Pierce (Answers in Genesis)
The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended by Sir Isaac Newton
Mesopotamian / Babylonian history
Abraham and the Chronology of Ancient Mesopotamia by Answers in Genesis
The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop
The Gifts of the Jews: How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels by Thomas Cahill (Hinges of History series)
The Grandeur of Ancient Babylon 3D Animation
Egyptian history
Doesn’t Egyptian chronology prove that the Bible is unreliable?
Patterns of Evidence: Exodus
Review and Critical Examination of Patterns of Evidence: Exodus by Christine Miller
Pharaohs and Kings: A Biblical Quest by David Rohl
Ancient Egypt: Forgotten Empires (Discovery Channel)
Egypt’s Ten Greatest Discoveries
Phoenician (Canaanite) history
History and Religion of Canaan (Holman Bible Dictionary)
History of the Phoenician Canaanites
Canaanite culture and religion (parent/ teacher resource only because of mature content) (Broken link, active January 5, 2015)
The Abominations of the Canaanites
The Standing Stone of Joshua, The David Rohl Lectures
Assyrian history
Assyrian History: Ancient Warriors (Discovery Channel) (part one, part two, part three)
Images of Ancient Assyria
Persian history
(WordPress has crossed through the following links from Project Gutenberg but they are active and correct):
Cyrus the Great (Makers of History) by Jacob Abbott
Darius the Great (Makers of History) by Jacob Abbott
Xerxes (Makers of History) by Jacob Abbott
Persian Empire (History Channel)
Ancient American history
In Plain Sight: Old World Records in Ancient America by Gloria Farley
Turning Right at the Burning Bush by Roger L. Williamson
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