Mark your calendars and set your alarms, the debate of the year is tomorrow evening, Tuesday, February 4th, at 7:00 pm Eastern US. The debate, at the Creation Museum auditorium, will be live streamed over the internet (Broken link, active February 3, 2014). Answers in Genesis has posted several helpful teaching videos leading up to the debate:
The nature of science
Evolution refuted
Radiometric dating
The fossil record
Do Christians have blind faith?
Why shouldn’t Christians accept millions of years?
The relevance of Genesis
My own hope for the debate, is first of all, that God’s name and His truth is mightily glorified through it, and if the millions who watch take away one thing, it is that the question is not between science (truth) and religion (faith), but between two religious systems, both of which begin with faith in axioms which cannot be proved by the scientific method. In short, I hope that Bill Nye and others learn that there is a limit to the authority of science.
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