Today is really my first day back to work since the car accident. I am still so sore – cracked ribs and a lot of soft tissue damage to my left leg. I am practically purple from head to toe. What I have had reaffirmed to me, through all this, is that in this world we really will have tribulation. And while some of it is brought onto our own heads by foolishness or sin, not all of it is. Sometimes it is random. BUT, we can be of good cheer, because Jesus has overcome this world! I am so filled with joy that my Abba Father is on His throne, and there He will stay. I trust Him, and whatever happens, all will work out for good for those who love God and who are called according to His purpose. That’s me!
But the effort of trying to get back into my normal swing of things has really taken its toll on me. I have finished working for the day, and wanted to start back up on the Revelation series again, but I am going to take a nap instead. I am so sorry – I need to heal. I will be back tomorrow!
Hi Christine!
I'm so happy that you're healing from the accident. It can take awhile. I follow your blog regularly, but just noticed that you have a link to Pastor John Stocker's sermons. Was Rez your church when you were in CO? I ask because my church before we moved was Christian Celebration Center, in Michigan, at which Pastor John's brother Joel pastors. Pastor John came out once a year for our Spiritual Emphasis Weekends, and Rez has a new pastor (MIke Olson) who was our associate pastor for several years. What a small world!
Hi Barbie, – Yes, Rez was our church when we were in Colorado. I miss my church family like crazy! And Pastor John. Our new pastor of men's ministry, Mike, whom you mentioned, preached the weekend after we left Colorado, so I missed him. Rez posts Pastor John's sermons on their website, so anyone who wants to grow in the Lord, and be challenged in the truth of God's word can listen to them. We have found a new church home here in Florida but I still miss Rez! There is no place like it.
I am sorry to hear about your car wreck and I will be praying for you!! Many blessings to you!!