… fulfills this verse: “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.” 1 Tim 6:10. Case in point: China keeps trying to export food to the U.S., whether it is intended for pets or humans, which is laden with banned toxins, chemicals, and other substances which render such food unfit for consumption. Why would China do such a thing? They erroneously believe that the root of Western prosperity is capitalism, when in fact it is Christ. China has embraced capitalism without Christ, and lust for money not tempered by love for your neighbor has produced a very dangerous trading partner, indeed.
totally agree.
Capitalism is the buying and selling of the scripture.
Money is not bad. It is the love of money that is bad.
If you dont work you dont eat.
The hatred of evil is the love of GOD.
Communism is opposed in every way to scripture and Capitalism.
China is communist and they are only selling bad stuff in their undeclared war against America.