The most common objection I get when discussing Sabbath- keeping with Christians, is an objection to doing something that was commanded in the Law. If we observe the Sabbath day, then we have made null the grace of Christ – that is the objection.
Let us think about this for a moment. Every believer who I have ever known who has raised that objection, observes Christmas. Religiously, when December 25th rolls around, they set aside the day as a holy day. The Church just observed Christmas. What did we do on it?
- Businesses remained closed (and do so, no matter what day of the week Christmas falls on, every year);
- Most family providers did not go to work, but set aside the day to rest;
- Friends and families gathered together;
- Houses were decorated and made festive;
- Special (and often expensive) food was prepared and lots of it;
- Drink flowed;
- Gifts were given;
- Games and merry making were planned;
- Special music commemorated the day.
In keeping Christmas, the Church set apart a holy day, to honor it, remember it, and keep it holy. The Church knows how to sanctify a holy day to do no work on it and to keep it holy. They do it every year, for a holy day which was not ordained by God, but by man. It is a matter of record that Jesus was not born on December 25; however, it is the date from antiquity – from the Tower of Babel rebellion – that the rebirth of the sun god has been set apart as a holy day. You see, there are God- ordained holy days, such as the Sabbath and the Feast days of the Lord (Lev 23) and there are man- ordained holy days, such as December 25.
Christians may continue to object to setting apart the Sabbath day, or the other Feast days of the Lord, to keep them holy, but if they do so on the basis of religious obligation to observe God’s Law, then why do they submit to a religious obligation to observe days of man’s law?
But then, indeed, when you did not know God, you served those which by nature are not gods. But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage? You observe days and months and seasons and years. I am afraid for you, lest I have labored for you in vain. Gal 4:8-11
God does not object to holy day observances. I cannot imagine that He wrings His hands over our day off work, parades, picnics, and fireworks every July 4th. But since we are already setting aside holy days to honor them and keep them holy, then let us set aside God’s ordained holy days of Sabbath and His Feasts which proclaim the Gospel of grace.
(Originally published on 31 dec 2012.)
Christmas and Babylon, part one, part two, part three, part four
The Babylon Connection, parts one through sixteen
Babel / Babylon Index of Studies
Thank you again, Christine! Just reading this simple explanation of setting apart the Holy Days ordained by YHVH has reminded me to remember WHY we do so. I have been so very blessed by your posts and books (currently reading Revelation Revealed), thank you for your obedience in sharing with us. Shalom!
Hello Jackie, so nice to see you here. Thank you so very much for your kind comments. You are very welcome; please do visit again.
very well written…thanks for sharing!
Hello Jen, thank you so very much for visiting and for your kind comments! <3
Shalom! I completely agree with you. My family and I are about to enter into our fifth year of keeping YHVH’s appointed times, and I look back to when we kept the man-made “holy days” and shake my head thinking of how we didn’t see the complete irony of it all. I am so thankful for His longsuffering!! He is faithful and I am in awe of Him!!
It is so nice to visit with you here Christy! Thank you for stopping by today!
Thank you for writing this. It was filled with so much love and grace.