The Sabbath
The Sabbath topic has grown so large that it has its own index
The new moon
Significance of the new moon 2009 oct 13
Celebrating on the new moon 2009 oct 13
The annual feasts
When to celebrate the fall feast days (navigating the different calendars) 2013 sep 05
The harvest festivals (Firstfruits, Weeks, Tabernacles), 1 Cor 15 2010 nov 25
The Firstfruits tithe and the harvest festivals 2013 mar 11
The spring holy days 2010 apr 04
Seven annual feast days bear witness 2009 nov 22
The bookends of the year 2009 oct 12
Recent conversation (Weren’t those feasts done away with in the new covenant?) 2009 mar 30
Keep the Passover 2013 mar 12
Preparing for Passover 2020 mar 30
Why we celebrate Passover 2010 mar 24
When we celebrate Passover 2010 mar 25
How we celebrate Passover 2010 mar 26
Passover and Unleavened Bread menus and recipes
God preserves His word (translating “Passover” in the Greek) 2019 jun 25
Unleavened bread
Spring cleaning and Unleavened bread 2012 apr 06
Deep clean your home in ten days 2018 mar 19
Sweeping the (spiritual) house clean 2018 oct 18
The Torah of Unleavened bread 2012 apr 05
Observing Unleavened bread 2011 apr 18
Exo 12:14-20 chiastic structure 2019 apr 22
Exo 12:15 Hebrew roots study of mahtsah, se’or, and chametz 2019 apr 23
Passover and Unleavened Bread menus and recipes
Weeks (Pentecost or Shavuot)
Happy Shavuot 2021 may 19
Shavuot: Walking in the Torah and the Spirit 2015 may 21
Exo 30:11-34:35, Ki tisa chiastic structure (walking in the Torah and the Spirit) 2015 mar 07
Pentecost in history and prophecy, part one, two, three, four, five, six 2014 jun 02-08
Sealed with the Holy Spirit (feast of Weeks), Eph 1:13-14 2011 jun 23
“Counting the omer” 2010 apr 09
The forgotten holiday (feast of Weeks or Pentecost) 2010 may 16
Memorials in time (feast of Weeks or Pentecost) 2009 may 27
The beauty that is today (feast of Weeks or Pentecost) 2009 may 31
The fall feasts and the second coming 2013 sep 19
Feast of Trumpets 2009 sep 18
You do not know the day or hour (feast of Trumpets) 2009 sep 20
Happy Yom Teruah (feast of Trumpets) 2009 sep 21
Our day of trumpet blowing 2008 oct 01
Day of Atonement
On afflicting the soul 2018 sep 20
The Isaiah 58 chiastic structure and the day of Atonement 2015 sep 20
Affliction on the day of Atonement 2014 oct 06
Day of Atonement 2012 (navigating the calendars) 2012 sep 27
Global, corporate, and individual day of Atonement 2012 sep 27
Day of Atonement and the chiastic structure of Leviticus 2011 feb 23
The parable of His return, part one 2009 sep 25
The parable of His return, part two 2009 sep 26
The parable of His return, part three 2009 sep 27
Day of Atonement meditation 2008 oct 11
A Spiritual Tabernacles 2018 sep 25
A Practical Tabernacles 2018 sep 24
Feast of Tabernacles Scriptures 2018 sep 23
Studies for the feast of Tabernacles 2015 oct 10
Prophetic significance of the Tabernacles offerings 2015 apr 4
Feast of Tabernacles 2009 oct 02
Feast of Tabernacles, an explanation 2008 oct 13
Celebrating Tabernacles 2008 oct 15
Tabernacles menus
The Eighth day
Eighth day of Assembly 2013 sep 26
Purim and Hanukkah
On celebrating Hanukkah 2018 nov 27
Shamash the sun god 2018 nov 28
Shamash in Hebrew Scripture 2018 nov 29
The Shamash puzzle 2018 nov 30
Chemosh and Shamash 2018 nov 30
Hanukkah, a Biblical feast? 2009 nov 23
Hanukkah history 2009 nov 22
On holidays: Is Hanukkah a holy day? 2007 oct 30
Celebrating the feasts
The wisdom of Esther (when your husband is not Torah observant) 2015 mar 05
Celebrating the feasts 2013 sep 18
Christmas and Sabbath-keeping (or, How to set apart a holy day) 2012 dec 31
The Lord’s supper, 1 Cor 11 2011 may 19
Holy convocations, Neh 8-9 2011 dec 04
The living olah (the sacrifice made by fire) 2009 sep 29
Biblical holidays trump national ones 2008 jul 09
Israel’s Feasts and Their Fullness – Batya Wootten
The Torah Calendar – Nazarene Israel
Aviv and the New Year on YHVH’s Calendar – Solel Sabbath Fellowship
Should we eat lamb for Passover? – Anne Elliott
Yeshua Born on the Feast of Tabernacles – Called Out Believers
Hanukkah: A Rose by Any Other Name – William Moore
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