As I mentioned yesterday, I became a fan of Pioneer Woman. She has a great recipe community on her website, which I have linked to with the recipe links. But Pioneer Woman herself is a great photographer. And today, I found the food photography tips (Broken link, active January 7, 2010). Yippee!! Just two simple tips helped me sooooo much: 1) never use the flash when photographing food; and 2) take the picture in natural light. Thank you for helping me with that!
Today Sarah made fudgy brownies, and when they came out of the oven, I beat the kids off so I could get a perfect brownie square on one of my English blue spode china plates, to try out Pioneer Woman’s food photography tips.
I have been tweaking and tweaking this recipe for months. Dad detests what he calls “cakey” brownies, and he is very particular about what constitutes a good brownie. Homemade brownies have to be as close to a box mix brownie as possible to be good. But just look at the intense chocolately-ness; look at the glossy top reminiscent of box mix brownies; look at the moist fudgy-ness! The recipe is good!
And just as importantly, the picture of the recipe is good, LOL! Since I have a point and shoot camera, my food pics won’t be as nice as Pioneer Woman’s, with her camera’s great focusing ability and all, but I am so happy to know about the lighting that I don’t care!