Updated 01/21/06; orginally posted on 01/20/06; scroll down for updates.
End of the Spear, of course! It opens today! The ever-thoughtful Gene Edward Veith has his review up at World magazine. The secular papers are panning the film, for the most part (though there are a few moments of honesty.) Well, they did with Passion, too, what did we expect from an industry that showers praise on something like Brokeback Mountain (Broken link, active January 21, 2006). They are not analyzing a finished product (which is what they tell us they are doing), they are promoting their agenda. Which means everything that agrees with their agenda is wonderful, no matter how revolting it is, and everything that disagrees with their agenda is horrible, no matter how wonderful it is.
We are going to see End of the Spear tomorrow afternoon. Let’s support this movie like we supported Passion!!
Update: Cal Thomas calls it the “finest movie of its kind I have seen.”
01/21/06 Update: There is a growing controversy over End of the Spear. Al Mohler explains and has all the relevant links.
I am hoping to make it to the movie. I have promoted it to some of my friends and family as well as on the sidebar of my blog! Just need to make arrangements with Grammie to babysit.