Previously: man’s choice, and God’s choice
Even though the rejection of God’s will and God’s best was man’s choice, God was not content to stand aside and watch him suffer without doing something about it. He stepped into history at the right time, and paid the penalty of rejection for man. He is going to step into history again, at the right time, to end the suffering and death once and for all. We are very close to that time.
In the mean time, He loved us. He taught us to love one another. He taught us that wherever we see the effects of the curse of suffering and death (which has impacted nature as well, Rom 8:20-21), to go, alleviate the suffering, do good, deliver from evil, bless others, heal the sick, and right the wrong. He filled us with His love, and empowered us by His Spirit, to do just that. It is what Pentecost, which we just celebrated, is all about. Be filled with His Word and His Spirit, out of that Word and that Spirit, LOVE. ♥
Continued: blessed be the name of the Lord
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