Read Haggai 1 and 2 at Bible Gateway.
The Hebrew paragraph divisions:
Hag 1:1-2 {p} 2nd year, 6th month, 1st day of Darius, Haggai heard the word of YHVH to Zerubbabel + Joshua
Hag 1:3-6 {p} You have your paneled houses while the temple is in ruins/ work labor does not profit
Hag 1:7-11 {s} Build the temple that I may be glorified/ I caused your labor to profit not
Hag 1:12-14 {p} The people obeyed + feared/ I am with you says YHVH/ the people worked on the temple
Hag 1:15-2:5 {s} It may not seem glorious as formerly, but be strong and work for I am with you/ do not fear
Hag 2:6-9 {p} Heaven + earth + all nations shaken to come to the Desire of All Nations/ glory greater than formerly
Hag 2:10-19 {s} Because of uncleanness your labor has not profited but from this day I will bless you
Hag 2:20-23 {p} To Zerubbabel: I will overthrow the Gentile kingdoms/ I have chosen Zerubbabel as a signet ring
The chiastic structure:
introduction) Hag 1:1-2 {p} year, 6th month, 1st day of Darius, Haggai heard the word of YHVH to Zerubbabel + Joshua
1a) Hag 1:3-11 {p+s} Consider your ways/ Your labor profited not/ Build the temple that I may be glorified;
1b) Hag 1:12, The leaders + people obeyed Haggai’s word, for they feared the presence of YHVH;
1c) Hag 1:13 Thus says YHVH: “I am with you, says YHVH;”
1d) Hag 1:14 {p} YHVH stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel + Joshua + the people to work on the house of YHVH;
central axis) Hag 1:15-3, Speak to Zerubbabel + Joshua + the people: Is the former glory of this temple greater?
2d) Hag 2:4a, Be strong Zerubbabel + Joshua + the people, says YHVH, and work;
2c) Hag 2:4b, For I am with you,’ says the LORD of hosts;
2b) Hag 2:5 {s} According to My covenant when you came out of Egypt, My Spirit remains among you, do not fear;
2a) Hag 2:6-23 {p+s+p} Carefully consider/ Your labor is unclean + profited not/ I will fill My temple with glory;
1a.1) Hag 2:6, Thus says YHVH: I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land;
1a.2) Hag 2:7a, I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations;
1a.3) Hag 2:7b-9 {p} I will fill this temple with glory/ the latter glory will be greater than the former glory;
1b) Hag 2:10-14, It is unclean to Me, every work of their hands and what they offer;
1c) Hag 2:15, Carefully consider from this day forward: before stone was laid in the temple of YHVH;
central axis) Hag 2:16-17, Since that day your labor profited not, yet you did not turn to Me, says YHVH;
2c) Hag 2:18, Consider from this day forward: from the day the foundation of the temple was laid;
2b) Hag 2:19 {s} The seed, vine, fig tree, pomegranate, olive tree has not borne, but from this day I will bless you;
2a.1) Hag 2:20-21, Speak to Zerubbabel, saying: ‘I will shake heaven and earth;
2a.2) Hag 2:22, I will overthrow thrones + destroy the strength of Gentile kingdoms and their military;
2a.3) Hag 2:23 {p} In that day I will take the son of David’s house + make you a signet ring/ I have chosen you.
What is most interesting to me is the A pair. In the 1A pair, building the temple so that YHVH is glorified is one of the main points. In the 2A pair, the theme of glory in the temple is repeated. But the 2A pair forms its own chiastic structure.
In that smaller structure, again it is the A pair that leaps off the page. In the 1A pair, YHVH says that the temple will be filled with His glory, the latter glory far surpassing the former glory. The glory of the former was exceedingly great, as can be seen from 1 Kin 5-7. But in the 2A pair, the matching element seems to break down. In fact, the only reason that Hag 2:23 is said to be 2a.3, is that 2a.1 and 2a.2 (which clearly match 1a.1 and 1a.2) force it into its position.
So what does the son of David’s house becoming YHVH’s signet ring (sign of His authority; kings used their signet rings to seal proclamations and documents with the king’s unique signet so that everyone knew the proclamation or document was authentic) have to do with the greater glory of the latter temple?
This is why I think these two pair. Note what is said of son of the house of David who builds YHVH’s house in 1 Chr 22:10:
‘He shall build a house for My name, and he shall be My son, and I will be his Father; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever.’
This passage is prophetic of Messiah Yeshua. While it is true that Zerubbabel built the second temple, the one who made it glorious was King Herod – not a son of the house of David. Which brings us to Yeshua:
So the Jews answered and said to Him, “What sign do You show to us, since You do these things?” [He cleansed the temple of moneychangers in the previous paragraph.]
Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this temple [the second temple beautified by King Herod], and in three days I will raise it up.” Then the Jews said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” But He was speaking of the temple of His body. Joh 2:18-21
Yeshua is the Son of the house of David who is made the signet ring on YHVH’s hand; it is He whom YHVH has chosen. I believe God was speaking prophetically to Zerubbabel as a type of the son of the house of David. It is Yeshua who will build the house for YHVH’s name, which He raised up in three days (by which His disciples knew, that He was speaking of the temple of His body). Beloved, we are the temple of His body, built with living stones, Amen? Yeshua fills the house of the name of YHVH – that is His body, that is us! – with His glory, so that the glory of the latter house is far greater than the glory of the former house! ♥
Amen fill us with your Glory to reap your harvest quickly soo exciting we have these words of hope at a time of darkness … they should run to this hope …I would so love to a part of this move of God ….
About this part of the Scripture I read a remarkable article: