I was reading back through my prayer journal this weekend, and found a recurring theme running through the past 15 months: Judge not. Beginning in January 2012,
“Blessings from heaven are coming, but you will have to press in to God and take the steps He reveals. You have to let go of your judgments against others, because judgments will block blessings from God.”
Does this mean we cannot decide what is lawful or beneficial? Does this mean we throw discernment out the window? No. It means, stop judging the thoughts, intentions, and motivations of others’ hearts. Stop agreeing with the accuser of the brethren in entertaining negative thoughts and speaking negative words against others, but use your mouth to speak a blessing over others. Forgive everyone of everything and let them go.
We have been doing this in our household as God reveals judgments to us, and we are beginning to experience amazing blessings. Thank You Father! ♥
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