The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe opens in less than two weeks, and I cannot wait to see it! My dh and I are going on opening day. I have heard the movie doesn’t mangle the books. I certainly hope not! Albert Mohler will be posting information and reviews of the movie for the next few weeks, and has started by linking to some great articles (Broken link, active November 29, 2005) by Andrew Hoffecker and Leland Ryken on the upcoming movie to whet your appetite.
The other movie I want to see in December is King Kong. Okay, it is not Narnia. But since Peter Jackson did such a wonderful job with The Lord of the Rings, I am looking forward to it. I have heard the movie is three hours long, but brilliant and heartbreaking. So we will see.
I still haven’t seen Pride and Prejudice (Broken link, active November 29, 2005) yet, the movie I wanted to see in November. I’m calling my sister and daughter to see if we can ask the dh’s to watch the little ones for an evening so we can go see the movie.
Update: More on the creation of the Narnia movie from Disney.
Thanks for the link about the Kong movie. It sounds like it’s going to be good.
I went to see P&P last week and it was very, very good. I was prepared not to like it because I have a soft spot for the A&E version and Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy but this version was on the same par.
You will love it!
Elaine <