Read Psalm 16 at Bible Gateway.
O LORD, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup;
You maintain my lot.
The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;
Yes, I have a good inheritance. Psa 16:5-6
This reminds me of what the LORD said to Abraham, after Abraham rescued Lot from the four kings, and he refused his portion of the spoil. The LORD told him, “I am your exceedingly great reward,” (Gen 15:1).
The inheritance was received from the father, and the main part of it was the land which had fallen to that family by cast lots. For David, the lines, or the boundary of his inheritance, have fallen to him by cast lots in pleasant places. He is not talking about a patch of real estate, but that He is in covenant and relationship with YHVH the Creator of heaven and earth! It is not so much that we receive a blessing from the Lord because we are in covenant with Him – HE is the blessing. It is in His presence – not in His gifts or the things He can do for us – that we find joy to the full!
<– 15 psalms 17 –>
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