Read Psalm 78 at Bible Gateway.
Psalm 78 has a very complex structure and I am only partially finished mapping it. However, there is gem of instruction as an introduction to the psalm:
1a) Psa 78:1-3, Give ear to My Torah/ incline to the words of My mouth;
1b) Psa 78:4, Transmitting them to the generation to come/ His wonderful works:
1) Psa 78:4a, We will not hide them from our children, telling the generation to come His praise; {n}
2) Psa 78:4b, His strength + His wonderful works which He has done;
central axis) Psa 78:5a, For He established a testimony in Jacob + appointed a Law in Israel; {n}
2b) Psa 78:5b-7a, Which He commanded the fathers to make known to the children/ That they not forget His wonderful works:
1) Psa 78:5b-6, Which He commanded the fathers to make known to the children, that the generation to come might known them;
2) Psa 78:7a, That they may set their hope in God and not forget His works;
2a) Psa 78:7b, But keep His commandments.
Deu 6, Moses’ explanation to Israel of what it means to keep the 1st Commandment, Worship and serve the LORD God alone, he instructs them to give ear to, pay heed, observe, and teach this word to the next generation. Here in Psa 78 we learn that when the fathers do so, they open the door for their children to set their hope in God, and not forget His wonderful works.
God is giving us wisdom so that the children do not have to make the mistakes of the fathers, fathers who were stubborn and rebellious, not setting their heart aright in unfaithfulness to God (vs. 8).
Because they did not believe in God, And did not trust in His salvation. Psa 78:22
Isn’t personal belief in God, and trusting in His salvation, Messiah Yeshua, for themselves, our greatest desire for our children? Our good Father God is here giving us the key that works: Obey God yourself, parents, and diligently teach His Law and works to your children, so that they may appreciate and accept His freely given grace!
Paul confirms this key in Galatians:
Therefore the Law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. Gal 3:24
Believers, we have nothing to fear of the Law, for Moses and the prophets did not preach conditional salvation upon its obedience, but just as the New Testament, belief in God to trust in His salvation. However, knowing His awesome word, and His awesome works, God’s truth and His power, is an open gateway on the highway of belief and trust in God for salvation. Out of the heart set aright in faithfulness to God (the new birth) comes reverence for and obedience to His word, which is built upon the foundation of His Law (Mat 5:18, 7:24).
This is a Most Difficult Psalm with a message that is “Hard To Hear.” It’s message is not only Hard but Dire, AND Not Desultory. Could we even make this Psalm the Central Axis of ALL the Psalms? Yet, even in this Psalm I believe it’s Central Axis is Verse 36 “Their hearts were NOT LOYAL to Him. They did NOT KEEP His covenant.
Then Juxtapose 38 and 36
YET He was merciful and forgave their sins and didn’t destriy them all.”
And I am a Sabbath keeping Judophile Apprentice of Jesus now for over six decades.