restoring the weightier matters of torah 2015 jan 12
The things you cannot see are weightier, more important, than the things you can see. The abstractions of justice, mercy, and faith are weightier in Torah than the concrete actions of tithing mint, anise, and cumin.
Every spiritual principle in the Bible is revealed in the natural world, so that the natural things, that which you can see, reveal the spiritual things, that which you cannot see. The lesser, that which you can see, reveals the greater, that which you cannot see.
“If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” Joh 3:12
However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual. 1 Cor 15:46
The natural things in the beginning:
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Gen 1:1
The three things needed to establish the universe, even Dr. Steven Hawking teaches, are energy, matter, and space.
In the beginning, God created = energy
the heavens = space
and the earth = matter.
At the end of each individual day of creation, God proclaims His work that day good. “Good” is in Hebrew, tov, something completed for a purpose. But the creation is not very good until all six days have been completed (Gen 1:31). The firmament needed the winged creatures to fly within it; the seas needed the sea creatures to swim within it, and the earth needed the vegetation and creatures to dwell upon it, each multiplying after their kinds, to be very good. This is because each day’s individual elements on their own are lifeless, but when they are joined together, life results and can continue. All the words of the Bible can be summarized by one word: LIFE.
restoring the weightier matters of torah, part three 2015 jan 15
restoring the weightier matters of torah, part four 2015 jan 16
restoring the weightier matters of torah, part five 2015 jan 20
restoring the weighter matters of torah, part six 2015 jan 21
restoring the weightier matters of torah, part seven 2015 jan 22
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