Today’s Hebrew Testament chronological reading is in Isaiah 15 and 16.
The Psalms/ Proverbs reading is in Psalm 65.
The Greek Testament reading is in Philippians 4.
Essential studies.
Isaiah 15 and 16, Teaching tools, and God’s great heart of love
We have known from the foundation of Scripture that the LORD has set His love upon Israel. But now we are beginning to see that the compassion of the LORD’s heart is with the nations as well (and of course, if we think about it, we do see this from Genesis; for immediately following the history of the Tower of Babel dispersion, where all the families of the earth joined together to rebel against God and establish their own gods of their own making, God calls Abram from Ur, so that in him all the families of the earth may be blessed (Gen 11-12). Yes, all those families that just slapped Him in the face!
Psalm 65, Hebrew paragraph divisions and chiastic structure (Additional studies: Psalms Book Two (42-72) Index)
Philippians 4, Chiastic structure of the book of Philippians
Three-year Bible.
The three-year plan is here.
Today’s reading is in John 5.
Suggested study: John 5, Bible for Beginners.
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