My takeaway of this in my prayer journal:
YHVH is faithful and just, to keep the promise of His coming, and all His promises! He is faithful to forgive, and His forgiveness of our violations of Torah is the repeated theme of this Shabbat Prophetic. We will witness the increase of Levi as Babylon falls. Or Babylon falls as we witness the increase of Levi. Babylon represents Lawlessness, and Levi represents Law, which is to say, all the Law, which is summed up in True Love, as the Love which God displayed for us in His goodness. He came, being good, speaking His Law with the tongue of the wise, bringing healing, and was crucified, and risen again. And from Him we learn not to speak reckless words that pierce, but healing words of goodness, and grace, and glory, and ready forgiveness, and abundant mercy, just as He is and did. And with gentleness, He will teach the earth His Torah, as we ourselves learn from Him.
The central axes say, Owe no one but love, for we can depend on Him. He will bring peace, and glory in the highest, by His faithfulness, and justice, and His strength of hand.
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