The January 12 Scriptures were a loose end and were moved to next week’s set of Scriptures. This structure is a reverse parallelism. The matching D pairs form the center of the structure without a separate central axis. But in this case the two central axis’ of the D pairs themselves pair, and so the central axis, if you will, is being repeated, or emphasized.
In 2C we find, Gird up the loins of your mind. In ancient days men wore robes and not trousers. When they set to work, they “girded up their loins,” meaning, they took up their robes and wrapped them securely about their waist and hips. It became an idiom meaning, “to secure, to take stock of, to get down to business.” Girding up your mind, then, means to take fanciful, fearful, and flighty thoughts in hand, and secure them by the truth Yeshua taught.
Understanding that, we can better see how it is a matching pair for We will rejoice and be glad. Notice that the Psalmist does not say that he is joyful, or even, that he is rejoicing. Personally, he might have been having a terrible day. But he “girded up the loins of his mind,” and said to himself, There is one good thing I can be thankful for in this day. YHVH has made it, therefore, I will rejoice – exercising his will over flighty or fearful thoughts and emotions.
The Gird up your mind theme is repeated in 1D. First, Rule over the sin that lies at the door, which is another act of the will. In order to do so, Be strong in the power of His might. If we ever find our will crumbling, either in our ability to resist fear or any other unstable emotions, or in resisting sin, we can cry out to the Father for strength, and He will empower the loins of our mind in His might!
My takeaway from this is my prayer journal:
The only begotten Son of the Father declares Him. Likewise, you are sons of the Father, and you declare Him in truth when your ways please Him. And your ways please Him, when you do good and pray for those who hate you and spitefully use you; when you love your enemies and bless those who curse you — not cursing those who curse you – that is the Father’s purview. Then the sons of the Father will declare Him as the heavens declare Him. You will see many mighty works increase in His name, and many men calling on His name to be saved. His Word, who is the only begotten Son of the Father, declares Him, and is pure, true, and trustworthy, and will shield you!
on choosing the scriptures for the shabbat prophetic | tuning in our ears to hear
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