october 08 – 14 and 15 – 21 scripture picture chiastic structure
The two weeks again formed two separate chiastic structures, but their end points did not divide exactly at the week’s end. Moreover, both structures had a single scripture as an outlier, which did not fit with the rest of the structure, and both the outliers paired LOL. God floors me every day! Again, the repeated message said to me that the two structures were to be taken together and considered together.
1st structure
2nd structure
The two outliers
outlier 1 1 Tim 1:5 Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith;
outlier 2 Rom 13:8 Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the Law;
My takeaway in my prayer journal:
He is great and there is none like Him, our Creator and King. He is in authority so we have reason to rejoice. He is our Savior, and Sanctifier, who is not ashamed of us. We respond to His salvation by putting our faith in Him; we respond to His sanctification by fearing Him, serving Him, and obeying His voice. He responds to our trust by blessing us and empowering us to walk after Him in true love for Him and for one another – the purpose of the Law. (And we should see rivers of living water and mountains moving in power in the normal course of our daily life walking in trust and obedience to Him! That is normal biblical Christianity, and we should not be settling for less!)
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