A new report out yesterday states that children who are spanked have lower IQs than children who are disciplined in other ways. Yeah, they have had the big guns out for some years on making spanking evil. Child abuse is evil. Spanking is not evil. But here is the kicker:
“One might ask, however, whether children who are spanked tend to come from backgrounds in which education opportunities are less or inherited intelligence lower.”
They just said that if you are a Bible- believing parent who spanks because the Word says, that he who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly (Pro 13:24; the Word equates spanking with discipline), then you must be one of those stupid easily- duped hicks from the Bible belt, because no intelligent person would spank their child.
A spanking administered in anger or to vent frustration is not discipline. A spanking properly administered in love brings godly remorse and repentance to a child’s heart and restores his heart back to his parents’ hearts. God Himself “spanks” us when we need it (Heb 12:5-11), and I would much rather have the spanking as a child at my parents’ hands, to learn obedience, than a spanking as an adult at God’s hands. God’s spankings hurt worse.