One thing I have noticed since I have joined the ranks of Christians who obey the laws of God: it seems we are more tempted above others to develop a performance- based mentality, an I’m OK You’re OK checklist in our minds. If we have successfully kept the Ten Commandments today, then relief! I’m OK! But if not, then disaster – I am not OK, and we are miserable until some other good work seems in our minds to reestablish ourselves in God’s good graces.
That is Catholicism, pure and simple. And Phariseeism. We don’t give up grace by faith just because we are now resting on the Sabbath. We have just added to grace, obedience. I need to watch out for that huge pothole in the road map of my mind. My pastor in Colorado just preached a set of messages on the Renewed Mind (part two and part three) (Broken links, active February 2, 2009). God used them to remind me, that my performance did not cause God to accept me, nor can my lack thereof cause Him to reject me. Why do we try so hard to get God’s approval by what we do or do not? Just rest in His love, which cannot be turned away, and love Him back. He is good and His mercy endures forever!
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