Read 2 Samuel 8 here (text coming …) or at Bible Gateway.
The Hebrew paragraphs:
8:1-8 {s} The nations round about which David subdued and from which he received tribute
8:9-18 {s} The silver and gold David dedicated to YHVH/ he became renowned and reigned justly
2 Samuel 8:1-14 Chiastic Structure:
The Arameans occupied the territory roughly equivalent to modern-day Syria. They did not have a single nation with settled boundaries as we would think of today. As with most of the ancient Near East during David’s era, they were a patchwork of city-states, each with its own king and armies. They at times aligned with each other, and at times were at war with each other, vying for control over trade routes or resources.
With David’s kingdom, Israel for the first time significantly extended its power beyond the traditional boundaries of the twelve tribes. From the era of the Judges, Israel was either dwelling in peace with her neighbors, or oppressed by them. With Saul’s kingdom, Israel was desperately trying to free itself from the yoke of the Philistines. After David’s defeat of the Philistines, he secured Israel’s borders by subjugating its neighbors.
If there are questions, these are good resources:
Aram – Jewish Encyclopedia
Map of Aram: Biblical Geography and Antiquites – Wikimedia Commons
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