Today’s Hebrew Testament chronological reading is in Job 15 and 16.
The Psalms/ Proverbs reading is in Psalm 14.
The Greek Testament reading is in Matthew 10.
Essential Studies.
Job 15 and 16, Outline of Eliphaz’s speech (Additional studies: Job Index)
Psalm 14, And fearing God (Additional studies: Psalms Book One (1-41) Index)
Matthew 10, He who finds or loses his life (Additional studies: Matthew Index)
The context is telling us, that if, in order to preserve our life from being delivered up, from being persecuted, from being hated by all, and from being at odds with even our own family, we water down the Gospel message to make it acceptable to the world, then we will have ultimately lost our life when the Son of Man comes. We have preserved the comfort of our life and body on this side of heaven at the expense of the eternity of our soul on that side of heaven. But if, in order to preserve the full strength of the Gospel of the kingdom, and our testimony of Yeshua, we do not deny Yeshua before men, and all of the above persecution ends up happening to us, we have preserved the eternity of our soul on that side of heaven at the expense of the comfort of our life and body on this side of heaven.
Three-year Bible.
The three-year plan is here.
Today’s reading is in 2 Samuel 9.
Suggested study: 2 Samuel 9, Bible for Beginners.
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