Postage stamp quilt
Planning blocks and Color theory 101
Constructing a quilt block (tutorial)
Finished blocks to date (Jan 12, 2023)
Breaking the color rules
More finished blocks (Jan 18, 2023)
Even more finished blocks (Jan 25, 2023)
The last blocks completed (Jan 31-Feb 05, 2023)
Planning the quilt top (Feb 05, 2023)
Quilt block arrangement record (Feb 06, 2023)
I did my math and discovered I need 801 black squares to border all the blocks. I thought about putting the border on during block construction, but then rejected the idea, not knowing which blocks were going to be next to which blocks. But I realized if I had just bordered the left and top sides of each block as I was making them, I wouldn’t need to know in advance which blocks were next to which blocks. It would have saved a lot of time lol.
So I will be the next month bordering blocks. Tutorial for bordering, if you did not plan far enough ahead like I didn’t (this is my first postage stamp quilt):
- Opening the corner seam
- Getting the outer square free so that the black border square can be sewn to it
- Right sides together, aligning the black border square to the opened edge
- Raw edges aligned
- Here I flipped the black square to the bottom to better ensure the raw edges stay aligned
- Sewing the black square …
- … keeping the rest of the block free
- First seam sewn
- Flipping to the right side to see the sewn seam
- To sew the second seam, fold the block along the previously sewn seam …
- Aligning the raw edges and butting up the new seam
- Sew the second seam to the block …
- Continuing on, as this was the seam originally opened, and you must be sure to close it again
- The block folded over, with the second seam sewn
- Opened out, seeing the black border square sewn in with both seams attached (keep working on aligning the butted seams for perfect corners)
- Going up to the next row, and opening the next corner seam … then repeat
Continued in:
What happened to the Postage Stamp Quilt? (Apr 24, 2023)
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