Or, why I don’t just grab from the scrap pile randomly. I divvy up the pieces into lights, mediums, and darks. And then I vary, lights next to darks, darks next to mediums, but not the same group next to each other. I also pay attention to putting big prints or high contrast prints next to solids, little prints or tone on tones next to plaids … the point is, to have unlikes next to each other. And always, some neutrals in each and every block. Too much color is overwhelming. Some blocks are neutral with one color, some have two or three colors in them. It just depends on what you have when deciding what pieces to use to vary the big and little prints, and the prints and solids.
Constructing a quilt block (tutorial)
Finished blocks to date (Jan 12, 2023)
Breaking the color rules
More finished blocks (Jan 18, 2023)
Even more finished blocks (Jan 25, 2023)
The last blocks completed (Jan 31-Feb 05, 2023)
Planning the quilt top (Feb 05, 2023)
Quilt block arrangement record (Feb 06, 2023)
Bordering the quilt blocks (Feb 08, 2023)
What happened to the Postage Stamp Quilt? (Apr 24, 2023)
Very helpful! It’s turning out beautifully!
Thank you!