Do you remember that churches were being burned down in Alabama? The arsonists have been caught. Maybe this isn’t news to a lot of people as it is to me. But still, I want to draw your attention to Gene Edward Veith’s column about the college student arsonists in the current World magazine. The authorities are denying that any religious motives were in play, which makes no sense at all. If no religious motives were involved, they would have been burning down drugstores, not churches. But the students themselves identified themselves as satanists to their classmates. Which of course, the suspects were quick to add, has nothing to do with devil worship.
I have heard this before; I have met a young man who is a self-proclaimed satanist. (I think it is a rising philosophy among young people; it is a natural outgrowth of the anti- God religion of death (evolution), life- means- nothing- because- we- all- come- from- slime- and- will- return- to- slime philosophy children are taught in school and university.) He said the same thing. He claimed that the devil doesn’t even exist, that satanism isn’t about a personality, it is about a life philosophy. Satan lies to everyone, and to his own worshipers more than anyone else. These arsonists are facing 45 years in prison for the church burnings, and claim that satanism is not about doing the devil’s will.
Very interesting! Thanks for posting this.
I find that “if” these people do indeed claim themselves as Satanists, especially if they claim to be symbolic types{such as myself} that their illegal acts are just immature stupidity{the cardinal “sin” of Satanism}.
Satanists believe in responsibility and by and large despise illegal activities and stupidity such as this. We adhere to a live and let live philosophy.
Many of us do oppose Christianity and faith absed rleigion in general, but we do it merely on the level of making sure that no religion is married w/politics and gov’t{that includes our own} and we oppose these faiths on only an “ideological” level, nothing more.
I myself, as a former Christian of 25 years, and having spent close to the last decade of this as a devoted Evangelical/Fundamentalist type myself, now oppose ALL absolutist faith-based religion on a “ideological level” and am very outspoken, but church burnings,illegal activites and blind hate only re-inforce the prejudices that fundamentalists have against not only Satanists but non-theists in general, we believe in beeing more intelligent and wise and respectful than this.
I would like to note that Luciferian{light-bearing/enlightenment; from a very “Promethean” direction}Satanism is merely my second choice of religion and in second place to my first choice religious philosophy of Universism{not UniverSALism} and my personal non-theistic viewpoint of Deism{and deistic offshoots}.
Anyways, back on track;
Satanists see Lucifer/Satan not merely from the Christian perspective, but as a Jungian archetpye or symbol w/many proto-types in ancient mythology{my personal fave beeing Prometheus whom stole fire-represeinting both progress and enlightenment, from Zeus, to give to the humans whom the head deity Zeus wanted to keep basically as slaves; I see Lucifer/Satan as much like this, and I see The Bibelgod much the same as Zeus, re-read the Bible,old testament especially,and you can find alot of tyranny,unfairness,despotism, and cruelty in the nature of this abusive sky daddy called YhWh}; but again, it’s ALL “Symbolic” inspiration only.
Most Satanists are rational atheists or agnostics{I happen to be deist, but that’s merely cause I see evidence of design and order to the cosmos} and opposed to immaturity,illegal activities,etc. Most are productive and mature individuals; these individuals{“if” they calim to be symbolic satanists} don’t understand the philosophy and are merely acting out stupidly.
Obviuosly, you are not going to agree w/the Satanists/Luciferians philosophy, I would’nt expect that you would. I understand why, I was one of the same opinions as yourselves.
However, I share the following links and info with you,not to make you to agree w/us neccaserily, but merely so you understand the religions{s} of Satanism/Luciferianism a little bit better{perhaps these church burning individuals could use the same info; assuming that they DID actually claim to be Satanists, and that isn’t just urban mythor mad-up or a misunderstanding}.
for your info:
In case you are’nt aware,most Satanists don’t worship the devil or any devils.
Satanism and Luciferianism{sometimes thought to be auxilaries of one another, sometimes not} is/are {a} very dynamic religion{s}.
They can’t be pigionholed exactly.
Individualism, enlightenment, rational self-interest, balanced self-worship{w/out beeing arrogant or cocky about it, more of a strong sense of self-esteem than anything} are staples; but devil worship is VERY sparse.
For more info on the religion{s} of Satanism/Luciferianism, feel free to visit and research these sites:
Church of Satan{founded by Anton Lavey}:
First Satanic Church{founded by Laveys Daughter Karla}:
The 600 club:
Vexen Crabtrees “Descriptions,philosophies, and justification of Satanism”:
The First Church of Satan:
The Satanic Reds/ dark doctrines:
Dark Doctrines:
Church of Lucifer{Luciferian org}:
Neo-Gnostic Luciferian Church:
Ordo-Luciferi Luciferian order:
A thread about it at the First Satanic Churches “600 club”:…psed_5__1.html
Luciferianism; satanic denominations-at “Spiral nature”:…ferianism.html
Lillith Ashtartes Luciferianism site;
Temple of Set{Setians}
Wikipedia on Satanism:
Wikipedia on Luciferianism:
Wikipedia on “Left Hand Path”:
Anyways, I hope that this gives some insight into this religion of Satanism/Luciferianism.
Thank you for your time and allowing me to post this.
Take care.
In Reason:
The very irreverand Bill Baker.
Feel free to visit my blogs: the first one is VERY politcally incorrect and hard on absolutist theistic faiths{juist a disclaimer}:
The Iconoclast Project=
Raving Madman:
Dayof Reason=