A World Net Daily reader has sent an e-mail to the news site concerning the anti-Israel platform of the Constitution party, the third party (Broken link, active December 6, 2006) which has been in WND’s news lately:
Until the Constitution Party changes its views on Israel, it won’t receive any blessing from God and is therefore DOA. Perhaps there’s a reason why it hasn’t made any impact on this country (which is a good thing).
The Constitution Party isn’t anti-Israel per se, but it is oppossed to US involvement in the disputes in the Middle East, which would effectively end US monetary, policy, and military support of Israel.
I agree that anti-Israel policies and actions closes the door on God’s blessing, and may even invite punishment in one form or another. I am attracted to the Constitution’s party’s policies, but the anti-Israel component would be a real stumbling block for me.
Do you hold to the pre-trib ideas of Israel then? That Israel (as it is today) is still of importance to the church? Have you read RC Sproul’s book, The Last Days According to Jesus (http://tinyurl.com/yfrt88) or Last Days Madness, by Gary DeMar? We were grafted in to be “partaker[s] with them of the rich root of the olive tree.” (Romans 11) There are not two trees, but one.
“…which would effectively end US monetary, policy, and military support of Israel.”
Where do you see in scripture that the U.S. is supposed to fulfil this role? It is an independent country–where, bibilcally, do we fit in here? Indeed, where Constitutionally do we?
“I agree that anti-Israel policies and actions closes the door on God’s blessing, and may even invite punishment in one form or another.”
How do you arrive at that conclusion?
You write from a reformed position in almost everything but this. It is a puzzle to me and I would love to understand how you get there.
Hi Kate,
I do not believe that Romans 11 teaches that the Church replaces Israel, but that the Church shares with Israel “in the nourishing root” (John 15). Israel has not been cut off, but will come to faith in Jesus Christ last of all, after all the Gentiles have come in, because they were first to receive the Gospel (Mat 20:16). I believe the physical nation of Israel and the Church of Jesus Christ are connected in a supernatural way. I would be happy to explain my views, and will do so in a future post. If I can be instructed or corrected in them, I would welcome that as well.