exodus 21:1-24:18, annual cycle mishpatim, “judgments”
exo 21:1-24:18, annual mishpatim “judgments” outline 2015 feb 14
exo 21:1-24:18, annual cycle mishpatim chiastic structure 2013 feb 08
exo 21:1-24:18, parashah mishpatim paragraph divisions 2012 feb 19
exodus 21:1-22:24, triennial cycle mishpatim, “judgments”
exo 21:1-27, death swallowed up in life (mishpatim) 2014 jan 24
exo 21-22, additional and miscellaneous commandments? 2011 feb 06
exodus 22:25-24:18, triennial cycle imkesef talveh, “if you lend”
exo 23-24, the immutable God of love 2011 feb 07
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