when tragedy strikes
why suffering?
the suffering of fools
temptations, tests, and trials
why does God test man, part one
testing and the education of life
what my cat taught me about testing, and trusting
why does God test man, part two
we are the clay
judging suffering
when we suffer: a warning
help when we hurt
When we walk into a dark room, how do we banish the darkness? Do we somehow try to grasp the darkness and wrestle it out the door? No, of course not, we simply flip the light switch.
So how do we banish that which is darkness in our lives? Bitterness, hardness, depression, despair, pride, a critical or accusatory heart, resentment, harshness, anger, immorality, secret sin, etc. is all the fruit of sin, the flesh, and the enemy in our lives – it is darkness. So often we try to wrestle it out the door. Let’s flip the switch instead. Kneel before Jesus and worship at His feet. Thank Him for who He is and His many blessings. Draw near to Him, and allow Him to draw near to us. Let His light banish the darkness in us.
the poetry of drawing near
hearts wounded by suffering
what my thimble taught me
pride: the hidden problem with hardness
portrait of a yielded heart
the poetry of a yielded heart
comfort when we suffer
taking comfort: psalm 42
the poetry of taking comfort
comfort, comfort, o my people
comfort as a mother comforts
a rabbit trail
the joy of intimacy
the poetry of intimacy
God’s comforting presence
why don’t I feel God?
christians and suffering
back from the abyss
and timely ~ Thank you.
amen! thank you for your posts. they are always such a refreshing encouragement
Since watching your session on Homeschooling Torah conference, I have been coming back to your blog. It is so helpful to change my perspective. I really wish I could talk with you in person. But, I can talk to my Heavenly Father. Just know that your blog is very helpful to me. But, it really would be great to talk with you personally.
Thank you so very much for your kind comments Momofskc! Keep reading, and keep studying the Scriptures … your Teacher, the Spirit of Truth, is faithful to bring the next thing needed in front of your eyes!