when tragedy strikes
why suffering?
the suffering of fools
temptations, tests, and trials
why does God test man, part one
testing and the education of life
what my cat taught me about testing, and trusting
why does God test man, part two
we are the clay
judging suffering
when we suffer: a warning
help when we hurt
flip the switch
the poetry of drawing near
hearts wounded by suffering
what my thimble taught me
pride: the hidden problem with hardness
portrait of a yielded heart
the poetry of a yielded heart
comfort when we suffer
taking comfort: psalm 42
the poetry of taking comfort
comfort, comfort, o my people
comfort as a mother comforts
I heard someone in church say that seasons of sadness happen to everyone, and when you are going through it, you just stick it out, it doesn’t mean God isn’t there or you aren’t a proper Christian or you are doing something wrong. You just live with it until it goes away. Joy isn’t for everybody all the time.
I have been thinking about this, because it goes along with what we have been discussing here: tragedy, suffering, comfort, and joy. So I have to go on a little rabbit trail to end up where I want to be with this.
Let’s see, how to delicately discuss this … I was thinking of God’s purpose for [s-x] in marriages. Of course children. My husband and I have three ourselves. Four counting our son who is waiting for us in heaven. But children cannot be the only purpose, because that would mean becoming one flesh four times in twenty-four years. Or about once every six years. That isn’t happening. But God is the One who created the whole one flesh thing. It is His idea. And He said, do not defraud one another.
So more than children is meant by it. I think it is for joy. For most of the history of the world, a human’s life on this earth has been a series of miserable hardships. Slavery. Long days of hard slog to not have enough to get by. We forget, here in America in this time, how absolutely blessed we are to live so comfortably, so well, so freely. Regular middle-class Americans today live far more comfortably than royalty during the Middle Ages.
But in spite of the hardness of life, no matter what happens outside, at the end of a trying day, we can have a little slice of joy sharing love with our life’s mate. It’s like compensation, a little gift of grace to strengthen us for life in a fallen world. And regularly sharing ourselves with our mate requires us to keep our hearts free of bitterness and unforgiveness toward them.
So, now to bring the rabbit trail back to the topic at hand …
the joy of intimacy
the poetry of intimacy
God’s comforting presence
why don’t I feel God?
christians and suffering
back from the abyss
I just reviewed this book for Mind and Media (www.blogforbooks.com) and I think you will find it a good read – I didn't go into as much depth as other reviewers did. http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/ClassicalEducation4Me/17967/
A really good review of this book can be found here: http://frontieregulator.blogspot.com/2005/08/book-review-sex-and-supremacy-of.html
I've been having a hard time lately & this helped me put things in perspective. And it gave me something to think about regarding the intimate side of my marriage.
It is for joy, and what joy to be loved (in every sense).
I liken [s-x] to glue. It binds us to each other. Some of us are bound with SuperGlue that doesn't wear off quickly; others are glued together with Elmer's so must constantly refresh ;-). That physical affection holds us fast.
I think that a man who takes the time to physically love his wife well will have very few other problems at home. Sometimes, we women are such incredibly simple creatures :-). [S-x] reaffirms that we are one, and that we are worthy to be loved.
< You just live with it until it goes away. >
Sigh…I'll certainly be glad when I feel joy again.