I saw this written in big bold letters across the back window of a pickup I was following when I was out doing errands this week. It stretched from one side of the window clear to the other. You know, that is really good advice, because God is fully reliable to do all He has said He would do. It is up to us to learn what He has said He would do – both the blessings and the disciplines (because like a good Father, He does not let us run wild to our own destruction – He loves us so much that He enforces His boundaries, LOL).
It takes full reliance on God to then order our lives after His pattern, according to the way He has revealed as His way in the Scripture. It takes trust to obey. They are two sides of the same coin. 🙂 Beloved, we must not stop with just naming and claiming His promises, standing on faith bless God! We must also discover His way of walking, and then walk in His way after Him.
Not to dis standing on faith – we so need to cling to Him and His word with all we are, down to our toenails! We have done our fair share and continue to do so. But while we are standing, we must take knowledge of Him, so that He may direct our paths. 🙂
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