God has healed me 2008 aug 18
I was at church Saturday night when someone prayed for me to be healed of intestinal trouble. The lady who prayed for me prayed for all the lining of my intestine to be healed, for all the balance of bacteria to be restored, and for the gluten allergy to be gone. I didn’t feel a thing at the time. After church, I went out with my family for a snack, and ordered something with gluten in it which I wouldn’t have normally eaten. Not a lot of gluten, but enough to trigger a reaction. Nothing happened!
So the next morning, my husband and I were getting breakfast. I made two pieces of wheat toast. I sat down at the table with my two pieces of toast on a plate, just looking at them. Because I was scared, frankly. Although it is not likely, the not having an allergic reaction the night before might have been explained away by the fact that it wasn’t a HUGE amount of gluten. But you can’t get much more gluten than in a piece of wheat bread.
My mind was telling me, “I can’t believe you are going to eat that and put yourself in the hospital, are you crazy?” etc. I was thinking back to last fall when I accidentally ate a wheat cracker instead of one of my rice crackers, and I broke out in hives within 10 minutes all over my body and my husband had to run and get Benadryl fast.
But our pastor had just said something in his message the night before, about believing what God has told you, believing God’s word and not doubting it – that is what makes us BELIEVERS, LOL. The enemy likes to put his word up against God’s word and get us to believe him instead of God, if he can. He is really a one trick pony — that is what he has been doing since Genesis 3 in the Garden of Eden. Who are we going to believe?
I was thinking about that, while I was looking at the toast, and just all of the sudden I said, “I don’t receive the devil’s words,” and took a bite. As soon as I did, the most amazing thing happened. I felt a warm glow start at the top of my head and kind of flow down over me, that same feeling you get at church sometimes when God’s presence is very strongly in the room. So I chewed that bite, and swallowed. And waited for a second for the auto vomit response. Which never came! So I took a second bite, and chewed, and swallowed. I ate two pieces of toast for breakfast and never had any reaction whatsoever. I ate gluten that whole day and was completely fine! This was Sunday!
This year at Thanksgiving I do not have to make my own little meal separate from everyone else’s! My husband never has to eat brown rice pasta again!. We can go to Chinese restaurants for dates out once more!
Thank you, God, for what You did! I am very grateful!
Christine, I am so thrilled to read of your healing. God is absolutely wonderful and my faith has been refreshed reading about what He is doing at your church and in your body.