Today’s Old Testament chronological reading is in Job 17 and 18.
The Psalms/ Proverbs reading is in Psalm 15.
The New Testament reading is in Matthew 11.
Today’s notes.
As I was working out the Hebrew root word parable for “working righteousness” this morning from Psa 15:1-2, learning that it meant, “that which we habitually do, or make a practice of,” I kept thinking of Yeshua’s teaching:
Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name? And in Your name have cast out devils? And in Your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from Me, you that work iniquity. Mat 7:22-23
I have to get out my Septuagint notes and see if it is translated from the same word in Hebrew …
Hebrew root word parables.
YHVH, who shall sojourn in Your tabernacle? Who shall dwell in Your holy hill? He that walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart. Psa 15:1-2
Guwr, “to sojourn,” Strong’s H1481
Shakan, “to dwell,” Strong’s H7931
Halak, “to walk,” Strong’s H1980
Pa’al פעל “to work,” Strong’s H6466, is a primitive root meaning, “to do habitually.”
pey פ ף = mouth, thus open, blow, scatter, edge
ayin ע = eye, thus watch, know, shade
lamed ל = shepherd’s staff, thus teach, yoke, to, bind
The story: To turn (pey, as a lip of a bowl is its turned edge) to again and again, the known (ayin) yoke (lamed). The known yoke is a euphemism for what one does, since oxen know the yoke when they are led out to work in the fields.
Dabar, “to speak,” Strong’s H1696
Chiastic structures.
Links to previous studies.
Job 17 and 18, My Witness is in heaven
Psalm 15, Chiastic structure
Psalm 15, Finding home
Psalm 15, Abiding in His presence
Matthew 11, The yoke of Yeshua
Matthew 11, The kingdom of heaven suffers violence
Matthew 11, Preparing the way
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