Today’s annual Torah portion is Yitro, “Jethro,” in Exodus 18:1-20:26.
Today’s triennial Torah portion is Ki tetze, “When you go,” in Deuteronomy 21:10-22:7.
Today’s Hebrew Testament chronological reading is in Job 23 and 24.
The Psalms/ Proverbs reading is in Psalm 18.
No Greek Testament reading today.
The Exodus 18:1-20:26 Yitro Outline is here.
Finding Messiah in Yitro is here.
Finding Messiah in Torah is here.
Exodus in Chiastic Structure is here.
I was unable to complete the Triennial Deuteronomy 21:10-22:7 Ki tetze Outline, I am sorry. This link to the Annual Ki tetze Outline may help.
Essential Studies.
Exodus 19, Setting bounds around the mountain
But this is an unusual central axis. Why would God put neon flashing lights around Moses repeating the LORD’s instruction, which they had already done, that bounds were set around the mountain and the mountain consecrated? Let’s think for a moment what Mount Sinai represents. The mountain symbolizes the Ten Commandments. If we refer to one, we automatically think of the other, because they are forever and indelibly linked in our minds. The way Torah relates this history, with its numerous repetitions, caused us to link them. The Ten Commandments, moreover, represents the entire Torah. The Ten Commandments are the covenant (Deu 4:13) Israel was commanded to perform. The rest of the statutes and judgments of Torah, explain how to keep the Ten. We are to set a boundary around Mount Sinai and consecrate it. We are to set a boundary around the Ten and consecrate them. We are to set a boundary around Torah and consecrate it. We are to not add to Torah or take away from it, but we are to sanctify God’s word in our hearts and keep it set apart, to observe it.
Job 23 and 24, Chiastic structure (Additional studies: Job Index)
Psalm 18, A Messianic Psalm (Additional studies: Psalms Book One (1-41) Index)
Three-year Bible.
The three-year plan is here.
Today’s reading is in 2 Samuel 13.
Suggested study: 2 Samuel 13, Bible for Beginners.
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